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江承仪器供应华为手机皮套电动弯折试验机 手机电动弯折试验机

江承仪器供应华为手机皮套电动弯折试验机 手机电动弯折试验机图片
江承仪器供应华为手机皮套电动弯折试验机 手机电动弯折试验机图片0江承仪器供应华为手机皮套电动弯折试验机 手机电动弯折试验机图片1江承仪器供应华为手机皮套电动弯折试验机 手机电动弯折试验机图片2
产品: 江承仪器供应华为手机皮套电动弯折试验机 手机电动弯折试验机 
型号: JC-SW-AB-A 
品牌: 江承仪器 
价格: 10000.00元/台 
标签: 手机电动弯折试验机
更新日期: 2021-03-19  

手机皮套电动弯折试验机价格:10000.00元/台 最小起订量:1 台 供货总量:20 台 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效



品牌 江承 型号 ZJ-SW-AB-A 弯曲角度 0-180
弯折次数 20(次/min) 测量范围 用于各种手机,橡胶,塑胶的折弯 适用范围 手机、数码产品,电子产品
加工定制 规格 电动 尺寸 440mmL*320W*500H
材质 优质铝/ SUS303





  1.Laid firmly fixed samples assigned to the base plate

  2.Fixed distance control :tailored to the distance spcified by moving the pusher UNIT fisde lever.

  3.Using cut height adjustment ,adjust the height of the sample push rod untill it touches the sample.

  4.Speed controller to specify the speed to match the volume using the lever on the grid alignment (set the table below)


  Test Method

  Test the method and order of the methods listed above settings are the same

  Verdict standard

  Details of Samsung or Ship SFEC test specification must be followed

  Equipment Operation Processor

  AC Mator rotational movement of the gear by rorating the pusher the sample should be banding

  Sample is fixed on the base .the constans power and speed pusher deflection occurs and check the changes of the resulting samples

  材质:优质铝/ SUS303




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