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NSD Corporation编码器

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产品: NSD Corporation编码器 
价格: 面议 
更新日期: 2012-09-21  

NSD 编码器价格:0.00元/ 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货 有效期至:长期有效

日本NSD株式会社,是世界著名高精度重型编码器制造商,产品有NSD编码器,NSD Absocoder, NSD传感器、NSD控制器,NSD检出器, NSD变换器,NSD交换器,NSD气缸,NSD定位译码器,NSD位置指示系统及NSD光纤光缆等系列产品,产品广泛地应用于钢铁、汽车制造、港口机械、食品机械、医药机械、化工机械及半导体等行业。





1. 高信赖性: NSD编码器为绝对值传感检出,可以保证即使在断电或偶发性的噪声干扰,也能精确检测出正确的位置。

High Reliability: The absolute sensing guarantees accurate position detection even when the power is shut off, or when accidental noise occurs.


2. 卓越的耐久性: NSD传感器为非接触性构造,可以适用于恶劣的工作环境,在振动、冲击、温度、油、尘埃等恶劣环境中都可以安全正常工作。

Excellent Durability: Outstanding sensor durability is achieved by a non-contact position sensing design. Poor environment conditions also pose no problems, as the ABSOCODER is unaffected by vibration,shocks, temperature, oil and dust, etc.


3. 弹性:NSD ABSOCODER系统由传感器,电缆线,转换器所构成。而传感器又可分单回转型、多回转型及直线型等。且分辨度,响应速度及数据型式等都可以根据不同的传感器型号利用不同转换器来改变。

Flexibility: The ABSOCODER sensing system comprises a sensor, cable, and converter.. The appropriate sensor type (single-turn, multi-turn, linear) can be selected according to the machine in question. Moreover, the resolution, response speed, and data format, etc., can be changed for each of the sensor types by using different converter.

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